
Air Ink designed our proprietary technology to sequester PM 2.5 and PM 10 emissions (PM Air Pollution). Next they analyze and further segregate the pollution particulate for recycling with help of global accredited labs. The analysis further ensure that the AIR-INK® formulations we resolve to are safe for consumer use.

The PM air pollution waste is sequestered as useable pigments and ink. They still test the inks for safety and steadfastness also they are trying to improve and advance this process. Different grades of AIR-INK are classified and are used by their partners to 'Print with pollution' to offset carbon footprint and gain significant advertising and marketing advantage.

Air Ink Leaf graphic Leaf graphic Leaf graphic
Leaf graphic
Leaf graphic

The PM air pollution waste is sequestered as useable pigments and ink. They still test the inks for safety and steadfastness also they are trying to improve and advance this process. Different grades of AIR-INK are classified and are used by their partners to 'Print with pollution' to offset carbon footprint and gain significant advertising and marketing advantage.

From pollution to art

Innovative company born in 2013 from an experiment. It started from ‘hacking’ a printer cardrige to print using candle soot.

From this day idea of ink created by pollution started in cities like Hong Kong, London, New York, Mumbai, Berlin, Singapore, Delhi and many more.

Leaf graphic
Leaf graphic

The problem

The problem they wanted to solve in artistic way is air pollution (reason of more than 5 million deaths each year). They wanted to take care of one of the most popular problem we created by ourself and make something good from it. Something that would be simple and at the same time will be able to fight the problem in an artistic way.

Now the air pollution that could be in our loungs you can see as a base of many arts , featuring in the work of more than a thousand artists like Doodle Man, Christian Furr, Karatoes, Imagine and others.

“Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we’ve been ignorant of their value.” —R. Buckminster Fuller

The problem they wanted to solve in artistic way is air pollution (reason of more than 5 million deaths each year). They wanted to take care of one of the most popular problem we created by ourself and make something good from it. Something that would be simple and at the same time will be able to fight the problem in an artistic way.

Now the air pollution that could be in our loungs you can see as a base of many arts , featuring in the work of more than a thousand artists like Doodle Man, Christian Furr, Karatoes, Imagine and others.

“Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we’ve been ignorant of their value.” —R. Buckminster Fuller

Photo of AirInk pen
Leaf graphic

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